Dogs at the Table

...or to put it another way, "Perish, priest!"

Sunday, June 06, 2010

General Synod, the Second Day

While my day personally was punctuated by pastoral responsibilities at home, we are starting to grind away at the business of Synod. The day began with a Bible Study in our Galley groups, followed by community building exercises. My Galley group (a table group of eight people, balanced men/women, clergy/lay and geographically diverse) turned out to have a decent quartet of singers who, during one of the cooperative challenges, rendered the doxology in a credible fashion as something to do while waiting for something else to happen.

The Bishop of Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, addressed General Synod this morning with a follow-up less formal presentation to take place on Monday at lunchtime. Like many public figures -- our primate included -- the level of candor during an internet-streamed public forum is different than one might expect in a more casual setting.

The afternoon brought with it the second presentation on Vision 2019, with a free-form question and comment session. There was some curious language emerging during the comments including the notions of leaders and followers. From my perspective, I would prefer language like leadership and community. The other afternoon presentation was about financial matters. I glaze over when it comes to financial stuff -- I don't deal well with money in my own life, and leave things like taxes to my partner to submit -- but this afternoon the financial stuff was presented with a remarkable clarity about accounting practices and definitions that even I understood it.

After supper, we sat for two further presentations (50 years of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, and Youth initiatives). Not the most scintillating, and, at least to my mind, illustrated why a good media consultant can make presentations more engaging.

We concluded the evening with Jazz Vespers. A trio (piano, drums, electric bass) framed some parables of Jesus with a bit of cool, and even this cynical critic was captivated. Worship as entertainment is not a path I'd like to travel very far, but this was a lovely ending to a very long day.

Except for drinks at the Gorsebrook Lounge.

Today's weigh-in: ? I have the impression that my ass is getting bigger from sitting all day.


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